Productivity is key to the survival and growth of any organisation, industry or nation. Some factors constrain the achievement of the set project objectives in the New Zealand building and construction industry and are responsible for the reported steady decline of productivity and performance. This study aims to identify the key constraints to on-site labour productivity and improvement measures. Using the descriptive survey method, views of some project managers, contractors and subcontractors in New Zealand were canvassed via pilot interviews and questionnaire surveys at the qualitative and quantity data gathering stages, respectively.

Multi-attribute technique was used to analyse the quantitative data. Results showed that the key external constraints to on-site labour productivity comprise, in order of decreasing impact, statutory compliance, unforeseen events and wider external dynamics. The internal constraints, which contribute 67 percent of the onsite productivity issues, comprise reworks, level of skill and experience of the workforce, adequacy of method of construction, buildability issues, and inadequate supervision and coordination. The factors underlying each broad category of external and internal constraints are reported. The relative levels of impact of the identified constraints are expected to guide the project team in addressing the constraints in a cost-effective manner. Abdul Kadir, M.R., Lee W.P., Jaafar M.S., Sapuan S.M. And Ali A.A.A.

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– The literature review revealed that while there has been an advancement in developing techniques and tools to improving productivity on site, more need to be done to invest in technology and innovation. The interview survey indicated that factors associated with pre-construction activities, namely, the “experience of the selected site and project managers,” “design errors,” “buildability of the design,” “project planning,” “communication,” “ leadership style” and “procurement method” as the most critical factors influencing site productivity. Other highly ranked factors are “mismanagement of material” and “the work environment.”. – First, reviewed the state of the art and trends in construction productivity research.

Towards Improving Construction Labour Productivity And Projects Performance

Second, primary survey with industry experts to rank the relative importance of factors that can influence CLP on site.Keywords:, Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited Copyright: © Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2016Published by Emerald Group Publishing LimitedCitation:, (2016) 'Factors influencing labor productivity on construction sites: A state-of-the-art literature review and a survey', International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 65 Issue: 3, pp.401-421.