Apr 6, 2018 - Gvox Encore 5 Full Loads Average ratng: 9,5/10 1494votes. Listrik dinamis, hk ohm dan kirchhof bab 3. Materi ajar: fisika sma kelas xii ipa asafn2, Seorang pengunjung blog, siswa kelas. Bank soal matematika smp bentuk aljabar 1 gratis asam, Soal. Rpp ipa vii 1.3 (pengukuran panjang) final 3. Jan 23, 2014 - Gaya akibat muatan v Satuan Pendidikan: SMP Kelas /Semester: IX Kompetensi Inti. KI 1: v elektron) 3 Hukum Coulom b Berda sarkan Prinsi.

Bahan ajar listrik statis (english version).1.PHYSICSfor 9 grade Junior High SchoolSTATIC ELECTRICITYErlin EvelineKhairul JalilReni Oktafia.iPREFACEGratitude belongs only to Almighty Allah, who has given his affection to the authorfor taking the time to complete the paper titled ' Bahan Ajar Fisika materi Static Electric. Fora tast intructional physics in Semester 3rd. The authors also thank those who have assisted inthe completion of this paper.The authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authorsexpect criticism and suggestions either in writing or orally, in particular course to theIntructional Physics lecturer, Dra. Haratua Tiur Maria S. M.Pd and Erwina Oktavianty M.Pd,so that writers can develop science, especially science Intructional Physics.

And thanks to allreader this paper.December 22th, 2013Writer.iiTABLE OF CONTENTAND FRAMEWORKSTATIC ELECTRICITYPreface.iTable of Content.iiMind Map.iiiSylabus.ivAnalyse of Physics Concept.vINTRODUCTION. Modul Instruction.1D. Studying Purpose.

Content Competence.2F. Basic Competence.2G. Learning Plan. Studying Activity.41. Studying activity 1: ATOM.

41.1.Learning Strategy41.2.Atom.41.3.Summary. 121.4.Exercise.13.ii1.5.Formative Test.131.6.Answer Key. 141.7.Student Worksheet. Studying Activity 2: ELECTRIC CHARGE. 152.1.Learning Strategy.152.2.Electric Charge.152.3.Summary.


Bahan Ajar Listrik Dynamis Smp Kls 9 Ppt 2017

192.5.Formative Test.202.6.Answer Key. 212.7.Student Worksheet.213. Studying Activity 3: COULOMB LAW.223.1.Learning Strategy.223.2.Coulomb Law.

253.5.Formative Test.253.6.Answer Key. 26.ii3.7.Student Worksheet.274.

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Studying Activity 3: ELECTRIC FORCE.274.1.Learning Strategy.274.2.Electric Force.274.3.Summary. 324.5.Formative Test.324.6.Answer Key. 334.7.Student Worksheet.335. Studying Activity 5: ELECTRIC FIELD.345.1.Learning Strategy.345.2.Electric Field. 425.5.Formative Test.425.6.Answer Key. 435.7.Student Worksheet.446.

Studying Activity: ELECTRIC FLUX. 44.ii6.1.Learning Strategy.446.2.Electric Flux. 476.5.Formative Test.476.6.Answer Key. 486.7.Student Worksheet.497. Studying Activity 7: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL.497.1.Learning Strategy.497.2.Electric Potential. 537.5.Formative Test.537.6.Answer Key.

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547.7.Student Worksheet.55EVALUATION.56BIBLIOGRAFI.iiiMIND MAPPING.ivSILABUS MATA PELAJARAN:IPASatuan Pendidikan: SMPKelas /Semester: IXKompetensi Inti.KI 1:KI 2:KI 3:KI 4:Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran PenilaianAlokasiWaktuSumberBelajarListrik Statis MengamatiPeristiwa sehari-hari yang berhubungan denganlistrik statis, misalnya penggaris plastik yang telahdigosok, dapat menarik kertas yang disobekkecil-kecil.MenanyaDiskusi tentang:1. Gejala listrik pada benda2. Gaya listrik3. Prinsip kerja elektroskopEksperimen/explore1. Gejala listrik pada benda (penggaris plastikyang bersih atau masih baru, kaca, kainsutra, kain wol, kertas yang di sobek kecil-kecil)Tugas1. Membuat tulisan tentanghubungan antara listrik statisdengan terjadinya petir dan caramenanggulangi agar tidaktersambar petir2. Diskusi kelompok membahashasil eksperimen listrik statis3.