1. The Long Dark Save Editor

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Jan 03, 2015  The Long Dark is a Unity game. Many Unity games and Indie developers - for some silly reason - save files to the local registry as opposed to the Steam directory. So, for any LOCAL user, there is a single save file. The game autosaves when entering a building/after sleeping. The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster. There are no zombies - only you, the cold, and all the threats Mother Nature can muster.

The long dark copy save file

The Long Dark Save Editor


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raymondhill'sRelated SubredditsTrophy Requests. Hey guys,so I just beat Gwyn and wasn't even aware he was the final boss in the game, probably because he doesn't look it and also because I thought he was literally the easiest boss of them all. Was very surprised when the credits started rolling. I really did not want my game to end since I still had a lot of stuff to do - hadn't even been to Great Hollow, Ash Lake etc. Yet.I realise I'm most likely f.cked, but is there ANY way to restore an earlier save?

I'm using DSfix but apparently the save backup feature isn't working for me because there are no backups in the folder where they should be (yes I'm positive I checked the correct folder because the last autosave is there).Does Steam Cloud store multiple autosaves and if so, how would I go about restoring an earlier one? Is there any way at all to roll back my data locally on my PC or something?I'm not in a good mood right now because I really don't feel like playing the game all over again just to experience the 10 or so hours and 3-4 bosses I've missed. I'd appreciate any advice or at least some consolation:).