Has numerous achievements that one can acquire as they play the game. Some of these are fairly simple to pull off, while others may test your strategic resolve and possibly result in keyboard flight.These are the Achievements thus far and their descriptions, plus tips on how to complete them and their difficulty.It seems to be impossible to get most achievements after having already won the game. That is, you must get the achievement BEFORE beating all your opponents. Contents Race achievements EnsignWin the game as a TEC player.

Difficulty: Laughably Easy - Easy. How To: Not much to say here. Just win the game as a TEC player.AcolyteWin the game as an Advent player. Difficulty: Laughably Easy - Easy.

How To: Again, not much to it. Just win the game as an Advent player.InitiateWin the game as a Vasari player. Difficulty: Laughably Easy - Easy. How To: Once again, just win the game as a Vasari player.Master Of Any DomainWin the game as a Random player. Difficulty: Laughably Easy - Easy. How To: Beating the game as a random player - in theory - gives you no control over which race you will get. However, you can just quit and restart until you get the race you want.AI achievementsThe easiest way to complete all the following achievements is to simply play the game against 4 Easy-level AIs and when you're about to win, save and quit then load the game but change the difficulties of the Easy-level AIs to Hard-level AIs.Plug PullerWin the game by yourself against at least one Hard AI player.

Note: You will FAIL this achievement if you sign a peace treaty with another player!. Difficulty: Somewhat Hard. How To: A Hard AI receives additional resources and builds bigger fleets (in other words: it cheats). However, he's otherwise no more intelligent than the normal difficulty AI. If you can establish a larger empire or corner him behind a choke point, you can usually overcome his cheating advantage. Once you do that, it's all over but the crying.

Or play the a match on easy and when you are at the enemy's home with a massive fleet save it, go to the menu, load it, and pick the hard.Toaster RoasterWin the game by yourself against at least two Hard AI players. Note: You will FAIL this achievement if you sign a peace treaty with another player!. Difficulty: Hard. How To: One Hard AI is trouble enough - two will make things interesting.

The AI's do not need to be allied, so you can set the map up so they fight and distract each other. Be careful, though, they might level up each other's capital ships.Comp StomperWin the game by yourself against at least three Hard AI players. Note: You will FAIL this achievement if you sign a peace treaty with another player!. Difficulty: Very Hard.

How To: Use the same methods as above. Again, make sure they're not on the same team (better yet, LOCK teams), and hopefully by the time you reach them, they're so weak that your fleet can easily destroy them.Actually HAL, I CAN Do ThatWin the game by yourself against at least four Hard AI players. Note: You will FAIL this achievement if you sign a peace treaty with another player!. Difficulty: Very Hard. How To: This is the most difficult of achievements, but if you can manage three AI's, it's actually not a very big step to four. Try pinning yourself in a system that has only one way in or out to ensure it's easily defended. Or, you can use the methods as previously described.

However, they may wise up and jump you when you're not looking. Also, try putting all the AIs in a system with say, 50-99 pirate bases, and you in a system with lots of asteroid belts.

Sins of a solar empire rebellion dev modern

Hello, my name is mindofcorruption97 and I have a question to ask. What is sins of a solar empire rebellion dev? What is different from the. Then open the rebellion.user.setting file and set this option: VideoIsWindowed TRUE. See if that helps, if not try right clicking on the game in Steam and select properties then uncheck this option. Running the game from the Dev.exe: Try running the Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion Dev.exe file first.

In short, be ready to cheat. AI doesn't react well against culture spreading. Get to the central planet of the galaxy, fully fortify the planet with tactical structures (and a starbase in ) arm the fleet with only combat units (i.e. No siege or anti-structure) then build as many culture-spreading structures as possible. After a short period all AIs will be significantly weakened.

A map with 5 stars (1 per player, doable from the map designer) may make this easier. The separation causes the enemy to have to get multiple labs and a level 2/3 tech to reach you. You then post 2 fleets - 1 defending your home star and 1 attacking enemy planets. Incoming attackers will ignore your defenders at the star and try to assault your nearest planet, allowing a period of largely unanswered strikes. You will (usually) need to chase after them when they jump to their target, but by then they should be much easier to deal with. The TEC's tends to give the AI, even on hard, fits. It will lose planets to rebels that it really shouldn't, etc.

Alternatively, select a 4v4 scenario ('The Art of War' large map works fine). The peace treaty limitation will not apply, as your alliance is pre-defined when you start. Simply defeat four enemies with your alliance and then finish the game by taking out the remaining factions one by one. Build a map with two stars have one star system for 4 players and another for one player. Play the game as a FFA and the AI will weaken each other, by the time you build a decent fleet there will likely be only 2 AI left in contention.

Colonize your system, then have fleets backed by starbases at both stars to stop enemy sneak attacks while you destroy what's left of the surviving AI. Try a barebones map with 1 star, 5 players and no planetary groups and just blitz from the very beginning. Even the hardest difficulty takes some time setting up in the beginning and you can take large advantage of this.Ship achievementsAll of the following Ship achievements can be obtained at once with the help of another human player. Simply start a multiplayer game, with quick start mode turned off, and have your friend surrender immediately.Fear Of IcebergsWin the game without building any Capital Ships.

Difficulty: Somewhat Hard. How To: Seeing as your first capital ship is free, you're effectively down 3000 credits over the opponent. However, you can set the enemy AI to 'easy' difficulty and take your time, you can whittle it down. Large swarms of long range frigates work well here. can be won in under 20 minutes with a Scout/Light Frigate rush to take out the enemy's Constructors and Frigate Factory. Research the siege frigate, and no capital ship is needed for victory. This also gets you 'No Exhaust Port Found' and 'Best Defense is a Good Offense', below.

Note that Titans do not count as capital ships for this achievement. Point Blank can be won with a single Titan and a cultural assault. This also nets you 'No Exhaust Port Found' and 'Go Big or Go Home'No Exhaust Port FoundWin the game without building any strike craft. Difficulty: Medium.

How To: Since you can't use fighters or bombers, you'll need to rely heavily on frigate power. Pick a small map where you can strike fast and early before your enemy can build up significant numbers of fighters or bombers of their own (point blank works well) and overwhelm them with massive numbers of frigates. Like 'Fear of Icebergs', you can play against the easy difficulty AI, and it is fairly easy to overwhelm with sheer numbers.Best Defense is a Good OffenseWin the game without building any Tactical Structures. Difficulty: Laughably-Easy - Easy.

How To: Most tactical structures can be substituted with ordinary frigates without issue, and if you pick the right map you might never need defenses in the first place. Remember, you can always set the opponent's difficulty to 'easy', making him very easy to outnumber. Is a great map to pursue this achievement. Unfortunately your 'Good Offence' may not include a Titan, as the Titan Foundry is a tactical structure.Go Big or Go HomeWin the game without building any Frigates, Cruisers or Corvettes. You will probably need Capital Ships for this! (Not achievable with Quick Start.). Difficulty: Medium.

How To: No Cruisers or Frigates means you can only have 16 ships at any one time (and even then you probably won't get that many). Granted, they're powerful ships, but Caps alone a fleet does not make! You'll have to get your race's Mothership as the first or second Capital - otherwise, you won't be able to colonize anything!

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Dev Mode

Pick a smaller map where your enemy won't have the time to build up considerable numbers, and remember you can always build static defenses. If you have Entrenchment remember to turn off quick-start, since you will automatically begin with a pair of scouts, disqualifying you from this achievement. Again, you can play against an easy AI here.

Since your capital ships will be taking all the punishment, a few repair platforms wouldn't hurt. Or just go for, get the asteroid next to the AI's start point and harass him until you feel strong enough to take him on. Shouldn't take much. Be careful not to use any Capital abilities or Research that can convert or resurrect enemy frigates under your control, this will disqualify you from this achievement.Research achievementsFor ANY of these Achievements, the best way to play is to quickly attack the enemy and defeat him (but don't kill him off) then pursue the technologies. Remember to turn off the pirates. Make periodic raids so he never fully recovers.

The big concern is balancing your posture so that the AI doesn't give up before you've completed the tech tree in question. The best way to avoid making the AI surrender is to keep your fleet level as low as possible.NOTE: A very simple way to do these achievements is to make 2 star systems. Have them set for 1 player each, then make sure pirates are OFF you can then go around colonising planets on 8x speed and just wait until every research item is finished. You do NOT need to defeat the enemy to get the achievements.

Entrenchment Note: You may NOT research anything in your race's 'Defense Tree' when completing any of these tasks.TEC Military ResearcherResearch every subject in the Military Tree while researching no subjects in the Civilian, Defense or Diplomacy Trees. Difficulty: Time Consuming. How To: Pretty straightforward; simply attack quickly and defeat the enemy with pure military muscle. You can use any military technology you want, and on a sufficiently small map tax and extractors alone is all the income you need.


The only catch is that you can never colonize ice or volcanic planets, and you can never build broadcast centers to fight enemy culture.